
wednesday, 27 august 2014

by Tachi-ren

KMR is a simple, highly effective technique for the release of third and fourth dimensional dysfunctional patterns. Because it is so effective, carefully discern whether this technique is appropriate for someone at this time and whether it is the will of Spirit. This technique is designed for dedicated Lightworkers. It is not appropriate for someone who is enmeshed in the 3-D world.

The infusion of higher dimensional qualities, pictures of reality, identity and higher brain functions allows for rapid manifestation of fifth dimensional experiences.

This technique is based on the principle of “ask and it shall be given”. You, the facilitator of this technique, remove none of the karmic matrix. The person’s own Spirit removes the matrix. You are holding the space for this and doing the formal asking.

  1. Tell the person that they will probably need extra sleep and lots of water for two days after any of this work.

  2. Absolutely have the person arrange to have one or two days off work after a KMR.

  3. Begin all KMR’s first by preparing your space and then yourself.


Preparing the Space

Call the Violet Flame mixed with the Silver Ray of Grace, a brilliant iridescent violet, to burn throughout the room. Ask for all dense energies to be transmuted in the room.

“I release these energies back to the Universe for the greatest good, to be transmuted to the highest forms of light.”

Some people also clear the space through tones, Tibetan bells, energy chimes and incense.

Preparing Yourself

Call the Violet Flame mixed with the Silver Ray of Grace, a brilliant iridescent violet, to burn around and in you. Ask for all dense energies to be transmuted to light.

  1. Take yourself and the other person through the Unified Chakra up to the 14th chakra, asking the highest level of Spirit to come in to do the work. This is usually the Christ level.

  2. Dedicate yourself to the service of this being’s Spirit and to the Source. Use any words you feel comfortable with. It can be said internally or out loud, as you wish. Ask for assistance from the Highest dimensions.

“I ask that I be the clearest of Divine Instruments in service to this being’s Spirit, in service to the Source, in the name of the Christ, by the Love of the Shekinah.”

Preparing the Client

Have the person lie on their back. You sit at their head.

  1. Remove the sixth-dimensional lines along the spine.

  2. Do the Karmic Matrix Release and Infusions as outlined in the “Formula”, following your Spirit.

the formula releases

“Spirit, please release all matrix, thoughtforms, emotions and cellular memory pertaining to ____. We ask that this be done in this incarnation and all incarnations across space and time, all parallel realities, parallel universes, alternate realities, alternate universes, all planetary systems and all Source systems. We ask that this be done by the force of Grace.”

Lightly tap repeatedly on the client’s Third Eye with the soft pad of your fingertip while releasing the karmic matrices. In a few moments, you will feel the energy begin to shift. When it feels complete, say:

“We release this energy back to the Universe for the greatest good, to be transmuted into the highest forms of Light.”

…Repeat “releases” until complete. When you have gone through all the categories that feel appropriate, then you begin the “infusions” using basically the same formula as above.


“Spirit, please infuse the qualities of ____. We ask that this be done in this incarnation and all incarnations across space and time, all parallel realities, parallel universes, alternate realities, alternate universes, all planetary systems and all Source systems. We ask that this be done by the force of Grace.”

…Repeat “Infusions” until complete. Finally, you call back all that transmuted energy and infuse it into the chakra:

“All of the energy that was released and transmuted into the highest forms of Light, we now call back ten thousand fold to assist us to bring this planet to Light.”

karmic matrices

“Spirit, please release all matrix, thoughtforms, emotions and cellular memory pertaining to _______. We ask that this be done in this incarnation and all incarnations across space and time, all parallel realities, parallel universes, alternate realities, alternate universes, all planetary systems and all Source systems. We ask that this be done by the force of Grace.”

When it feels complete…

“We release this energy back to the Universe for the greatest good, to be transmuted into the highest forms of Light.”

  1. Abandonment, rejection, punishment, victim retribution, judgment

  2. Holding patterns, limits in the physical body

  3. Fear of failure

  4. Anything that cannot be, know, manifest, express Divine Truth

  5. Anything that cannot be, know, manifest, express Divine Love

  6. Anything that cannot be, know, manifest, express Divine Power

  7. Neediness, co-dependency, addiction

  8. Anything that holds the energy of “I can’t, I don’t, I won’t, I shouldn’t, I couldn’t, I wouldn’t, I could, should or ought to”

  9. Anything that holds the energy of “I don’t know,” asleep, unconscious, veils

  10. Fear, rage, blame, guilt, unforgiveness

  11. All implants or inhibiting structures, crystals, plates, armor, devices, etc.

  12. Astral entities

  13. Anything that denies mastery in self or others

  14. Anything that pertains to looking to outside authority, or being an outside authority

  15. Anything that holds the sense of separation from Spirit

  16. Anything that holds a sense of limitation, especially in identity, life context and reality measurement

  17. Resistance, control, or closed systems

  18. Blockages in the chakras, tetrahedrons, or etheric blueprints

  19. Anything that restricts the free flow of information

  20. Anything that blocks clear communication and communion with Spirit

  21. All karmic monads: betrayer / betrayed, prisoner / imprisoned, hopelessly loved / hopelessly loving, loyal servant / corrupt master, healer / patient, rescuer / rescued, victim / perpetrator, etc.

  22. Vows and agreements, both conscious and unconscious that inhibit access or expression of multi-dimensional perceptions or energies

  23. Anything that holds the patterns of scarcity, limited flow, you have to work hard for what you get, no pain no gain, there’s only so much to go around, etc.

  24. Anything that holds personal attachments

  25. Anything that holds the burden of spiritual significance, seriousness, fighting the good fight, spiritual warrior

  26. Anything that holds enemy patterning, us versus them

  27. Anything that holds caring about what anyone thinks, be it personal, social, political or planetary

  28. Anything that is made more important than following Spirit without hesitation

Complete with the following…

“Any limitation or separation pattern I have not mentioned”

kmr infusions

“Spirit, please infuse the qualities of _______. We ask that this be done in this incarnation and all incarnations across space and time, all parallel realities, parallel universes, alternate realities, alternate universes, all planetary systems and all Source systems. We ask that this be done by the force of Grace.”

  1. Grace, forgiveness, gratitude, joy, divine celebration

  2. Purity, preparing the body as a divine temple

  3. Peace, harmony

  4. Faith, hope, charity

  5. Victory, knowing, expressing and manifesting each piece of the divine plan

  6. Divine Truth

  7. Divine Love

  8. Divine Power

  9. Wisdom, laughter, creativity

  10. Divine force of mastery

  11. Connection to cosmic mind

  12. Preparation for receiving gifts of the Holy Spirit

  13. Full communion with Spirit and Spirit as primary relationship

  14. Infinite divine flow of resources. Wealth as an expression of mastery

  15. Access into the Cosmic Joke and being a Divine Fool

  16. New, vaster multi-dimensional identity, life context of co-creating a new world, 5th dimensional way of measuring reality

  17. New level of vision from Spirit and the fire of purpose

  18. Recalibration of energy bodies to transpersonal and attraction of other masters to play with

  19. Rebalance the Three-fold Flame

  20. Surrender and the ever-expanding capacity for these divine qualities

  21. Recalibrate chakras and energy bodies for these qualities and so that there will be minimal out picturing of released matrix into the outer reality

  22. Infuse transmitted Light into the chakras

After all infusions…

“All of the energy that was released and transmuted into the highest forms of Light, we now call back ten thousand fold to assist us to bring this planet to Light.”