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friday, 26 july 2019

conky qclocktwo – the statement design of QClockTwo was popularized on Linux desktops with mowgli-writes conky port. i adapted this as a screensaver with an opaque black background (and the much better looking Noto Sans Mono ... shadows and light

saturday, 20 july 2019

2019-07-20 – like the normalization of keyboard layouts across the various matrix and split keyboards used.. qcocktwo’s Major Mono Display font eventually made its way to the Tiny Tiny RSS banner theme.. and ... the darnedest thing

friday, 19 july 2019

rolling leader capitalization – until now, Punctuation chords providing leader (Space / Enter) capitalization shortcuts, lengthened the hold of the punctuation key which adds a subtle disruption to the typing rhythm— much like traditional shifting. Introducing the rolling key ... colophon