
tuesday, 24 february 2015

while tiling window managers are my preferred desktop environment to work in, it is dmenu that is the glue and allows my workflow to be completely keyboard driven.

With simple keybindings defined in the sxhkdrc configuration, dmenu functions can be defined to select from a list and..

  • launch a program
  • restart a systemd process
  • open a man page
  • open a history URL item in your browser of choice
  • ditto a bookmark URL
  • locate and open a file
  • edit a system config file
  • edit a group of project source files
  • return a password
  • return a list of email addresses (readily available in the clipboard)
  • compose an email in your editor of choice
  • add music to a playlist
  • control the playlist music daemon
  • solve a mathematical equation
  • exit system
  • pretty much anything you care to script that can use a pick list!

dmenu is window manager agnostic but appears more aligned with tiling window managers being keyboard driven (versus the mouse driven disposition of stacking window managers).


#!/bin/sh $(dwrapper) $(echo "$@" | grep -q '[-]p ' || echo '-p Run') $@

Present a single row of menu items. If no prompt is provided, the standard “Run” prompt is used.


#!/bin/sh echo $(dwrapper) -l 12

Present a list of menu items, 12 lines deep.


#!/bin/sh echo /usr/bin/dmenu -i -fn 'Arial-10' -sb '#4E9258' -sf '#fff' -nb "#333" -h 22

A dmenu wrapper is created to provide an easy way to enforce a consistent look to all the scripts which call dmenu. I use the Xft patched version of dmenu to have a wider choice of fonts available.

The following scripts illustrate just a few uses of dmenu..

run program

#!/bin/sh cachedir=${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-"$HOME/.cache"} if [[ -d "$cachedir" ]]; then cache=$cachedir/dmenu_run else cache=$HOME/.dmenu_cache fi ( IFS=: if stest -dqr -n “$cache” $PATH; then run=$(stest -flx $PATH | sort -u |sed ‘1iscratchpad\nterm\npseudoframe’ | tee “$cache” | dmenu “$@”) || exit else run=$(dmenu “$@” < “$cache”) || exit fi [[ -n $run ]] && $run )

bspwm terminal applications are conveniently inserted at the top of the list.

restart systemd process

#!/bin/sh cd /usr/lib/systemd/system/ while true do service=$(stest -fl . | sort | sed ‘1i[ list services ]\n[ list-unit-files ]’ | $(dwrapper) -p ‘Restart’) || break case $service in ‘[ list services ]’) /usr/bin/urxvt -title ‘list services’ -e systemctl -t service -a ;; ‘[ list-unit-files ]’) /usr/bin/urxvt -title ‘list-unit-files’ -e systemctl list-unit-files ;; *) sudo systemctl restart $service break ;; esac done

open man page

#!/bin/sh page=$(apropos . \ | cut -d’ ‘ -f1 | sort -d | uniq | sed ‘1iremind\nbspwm’ | $(dwrapper) -p ‘Man Page’ | cut -d’:’ -f3-) [[ $page ]] && apropos . | cut -d' ' -f1 | grep -q "$page" && urxvtc -title "man $page" -e man "$page"

open bookmark url

#!/bin/sh sqldb=~/.local/share/luakit/bookmarks.db query='select title, tags, uri from bookmarks order by tags,title ASC;' uri=$(echo "$query" \ | sqlite3 $sqldb | sed ‘s/[|]/ :: /g’ | $(dlist) -p ‘Bookmark’ | sed ‘s/.* :: .* :: (.*)/\1/’) [[ $uri ]] && dbrowser "$uri"

with selectable browser..

#!/bin/sh function m() { which $@ >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo -n “$@\n” } while browser=$(echo -e \ $(m vimb) $(m chromium) $(m w3m) $(m xombrero) | $(dwrapper) -p ‘Browser’) || exit do case ${browser# } in elinks | w3m) urxvtc -title “$browser” -e $browser $@ ;; chromium | dwb | … | vimb | xombrero) eval $browser $@ ;; *) echo “.. unknown browser: $browser” continue ;; esac exit done

open file

#!/bin/sh while name=$(xsel -o | $(dwrapper) -p 'Find File') || exit do [[ $name ]] || exit list=$(sudo locate -A -e -i $name) [[ $list ]] || continue file=$(echo -e “$list” | $(dlist) -p ‘Open’) || exit echo -n “$file” | xsel -b -i xdg-open “$file” done

edit project files

#!/bin/sh files=$(cat ~/.config/dmenu/edit-list | $(dlist) -p 'Edit' | cut -d':' -f3-) [[ $files ]] && zsh -c "v $files"

where, edit-list is a text file containing single line file specs..

tag... :: [ filename | $(eval) ]...


  • tag is a list of dmenu search tags
  • :: is the tag field separator (as defined by this particular script)
  • filename is a posix filename expression
  • eval is a posix shell expression that evaluates to a list of filenames
  • any number of filename and eval expressions, space separated, can be defined per file spec

with v (vim) script..

#!/usr/bin/zsh SHELL=/bin/sh [[ -z $DISPLAY && $(tty) = /dev/tty* ]] || gui=-g find ~/.vim/backups -size 0 -exec rm -fv {} \; find ~ -name '.viminf*.tmp' -exec rm -fv {} \; if [[ -z $* ]]; then vim $gui /tmp/scratch elif [[ ! -f $1 ]]; then vim $gui $@ elif is_owned $1; then vim $gui $@ else sudo -s vim $gui $@ find ~/.vim/backups -user root -exec sudo chown -v ${USER}:users {} \; fi

With an easily updated edit-list file, common sets of files are readily available for editing with just a few keystrokes.

ribbon calculator

#!/bin/sh vars=( $(echo {a..z}) ) count=-1 ribbon='Solve' while eqn=$(echo | $(dwrapper) -p "$ribbon") do [[ $eqn ]] || exit if ans=$(calc -pd “$(eval echo $(echo $eqn | sed ‘s/([a-z])/$\1/g’))”); then echo -n “$ans” | xsel -i count=$(( $count + 1 )) [[ $count -gt 25 ]] && count=0 eval ${vars[$count]}=$ans ribbon=”$ribbon $(eval echo ${vars[$count]}=$ans)” fi done

dictionary lookup

#!/bin/sh word=$(xsel -o | $(dwrapper) -p 'Lookup Word') || exit while hints=$(dict "$word" 2>&1 >/dev/null | cut -d':' -f2 | xargs -n1 | sort -u -f) do [[ $word ]] || exit [[ $hints ]] || break echo $hints | sed “s/$word *//” | grep -q ‘definitions for found No’ if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then word=$($(dwrapper) -p “No definitions found for "$word"”) || exit else word=$(echo -e “$hints” | $(dwrapper) -p ‘Hints’) || exit fi done urxvtc -title "$word" -e sh -c "dict \"$word\" | less"

address book

#!/bin/sh maildir=~/Maildir addressbook=$maildir/addressbook function dinit() { notify “Updating dmenu addressbook cache” “Please be patient..” /usr/bin/vendor_perl/ack –no-filename –ignore-case –no-color ‘^(From|To|Cc|Bcc):’ $maildir | grep ‘@’ | sed -e ‘s/(\xad|\x01)/ /g’ -e ‘s/[,;] */\n/g’ -e ‘s/[”]//g’ -e “s/[’]//g” -e ‘s/<br>//’ -e ‘s/<mailto:[^>]*>//’ -e ‘s/\t/ /g’ -e ‘s/ *$//’ -e ‘s/^ *//’ -e ‘s/ */ /g’ -e ‘s/^To: //I’ -e ‘s/^From: //I’ -e ‘s/^Cc: //I’ -e ‘s/^Bcc: //I’ | grep ‘^[^<].*<.*>$’ | grep -v ‘@.*<’ | grep -iv ‘(^[^a-z]|[=])’ | grep -Piv ‘<!’ | grep -iv ‘((hello|info)@)’ | grep -iv ‘(announce|automated|confirm|contact|help|invitations|market|news|notification|promo|reply|review|subscribe|welcome)’ | grep -iv ‘(feedspot|github|via linkedin|yahoogroups)’ | sort -f | uniq -i > $addressbook notify “Update of dmenu addressbook cache” “..Complete” } [[ -s $addressbook ]] || dinit while true do address=$(cat $addressbook | sed -e ‘1i[ clipboard ]\n[ rebuild database ]’ | $(dlist) -p ‘Email Address’) || break case “$address” in ‘[ clipboard ]’) break ;; ‘[ rebuild database ]’) dinit ;; *) [[ $addresses ]] && addresses=$addresses,$address || addresses=$address ;; esac done if [[ $addresses ]]; then # echo -n “$addresses” | xclip echo -n “$addresses” | xsel -i time=10000 notify “Ctrl-Alt-V” “$(echo $addresses | sed ‘s/ <\S*>//g’)” fi

with notify popup..

#!/bin/sh [[ $time ]] && expire="--expire-time=$time" case "$#" in 0) echo ‘.. notify “heading” [“line1\nline2..”]’ ;; 1) sudo -u $USER notify-send $expire –icon=task-complete “$1” & ;; 2) sudo -u $USER notify-send $expire –icon=task-complete “$1” “$2” & ;; esac

The address book database is compiled to..

  • exclude major lists correspondence
  • exclude news and announcement items
  • exclude malformed addresses
  • reject unexpected characters
  • restrict addresses to those with a “user name” prefix

E-mail addresses are concatenated and returned in the clipboard and can be pasted into any document or e-mail client.

play music

#!/bin/sh function playlist() { if (( $(mpc playlist | /usr/bin/wc -l) )); then mpc list artist | sort -n | sed -e “1i[ next ]\n[ toggle ]\n[ stop ]” else mpc list artist | sort -n fi } mpc list artist 2>/dev/null || exit while artist=$(playlist | $(dwrapper) -p 'Artist') || exit do case $artist in ‘[ next ]’) mpc play mpc next echo “.. toggling playlist” # exit ;; ‘[ toggle ]’) mpc toggle echo “.. toggling playlist” exit ;; ‘[ stop ]’) mpc stop echo “.. stopping playlist” exit ;; esac [[ $artist = ‘[ next ]’ ]] && exec dmusic more=true while [[ $more ]] do if [[ $(mpc list album artist “$artist” | wc -l) > 1 ]]; then album=$(mpc list album artist “$artist” | sort -n | sed ‘1i[ all ]’ | $(dwrapper) -p ‘Album’) || break else album=$(mpc list album artist “$artist” | sort -n | $(dwrapper) -p ‘Album’ -l 1) || break more= fi if [[ $album = ‘[ all ]’ ]]; then playlist=$(mpc find artist “$artist”) music=”all songs available from $artist” more= else playlist=$(mpc find artist “$artist” album “$album”) music=”$artist :: $album” fi while action=$(echo -e “play\nadd\ninsert” | $(dwrapper) -p ‘Playlist’) || break do case $action in add) echo -e “$playlist” | mpc add >/dev/null echo “.. adding $music to the playlist” ;; insert) echo -e “$playlist” | mpc insert >/dev/null echo “.. inserting $music into the playlist” ;; play) mpc clear >/dev/null echo -e “$playlist” | mpc add >/dev/null echo “.. playlist cleared. Adding $music to the playlist” ;; *) echo “.. invalid action: $action” continue ;; esac break done mpc play >/dev/null done done

What makes dmenu so useful is the ease of calling it in scripts to select a menu item out of a large list of newline separated entries. The search engine facilitates partial matches, refining the list of available entries as you type. It does not require understanding regex pattern matching constructs—in fact, if you are unfamiliar with such, dmenu will astound you with its facility even more!

Typically, items are found with just a few keystrokes which can include unordered space delimited partial words or keystrokes. Its magic needs to be seen to be appreciated.

dmenu. It’s da menu !

»»  herbstluftwm

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