2012-10-29 – deployment has become a project of its own—got the vps server running the Sinatra application with a hasty Nginx proxy configuration (that still managed to take more time than I anticipated). Sleep does wonders and the configuration is what ... the darnedest thing
2012-10-27 – version 2 of this site is almost ready for launch. What happened to version 1 and the prototype that was really ready to go in June? The whole exercise got the better of me, as I rediscovered ... the darnedest thing
2012-10-05 – the darnedest thing is written and designed by Steven Hum with the following.. desktop software platform Debian “wheezy” Linux Notion window manager writing tools vim editor ... colophon
2012-10-05 – “Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.” Frank Lloyd Wright ... shadows and light