a subtle but significant change to this web site.
The home page now shows the most recent articles posted for the various topic threads which comprise this site. Dependent on publication date, not all topic threads will necessarily be represented by their latest journal entry. Regardless, this should now make the home page appear less stale dated.
Surprisingly, despite not having touched the web framework code for quite some time, these changes were simply and cleanly implemented with a dozen lines of Ruby code without too much head scratching. The original design continues to hold up well.
Originally cobbled together with html generating shell scripts in its earliest incarnations as that proof of concept, it morphed into a web framework whose underlying technology became a point of interest— vimwiki with sinatra allowed content to be mapped and reviewed effortlessly in real time.
Starting out initially as a resource for clients, it has grown to include a repository of the knowledge accrued during the creation of the site itself and then some—the WWW being what it is as a meta library of itself. I like the metaphor.
There are still a number of posts to share regarding the tools used along the way to create all this. And broader horizons to return to. There is nothing being sold here. But if you find something of interest, be it metaphysical, technical or otherwise, wonderful.